Trade To Close, LLC Terms of Use

Effective December 4th, 2023

Welcome to Trade To Close. By using this website, you accept our Terms of Use below. Please read our Terms of Use carefully, and if you do not fully agree to be bound by all of our Terms of Use, please exit this website and do not subscribe to any of our services.

1. General Provisions

Trade To Close respects your privacy. Please take a moment to review our privacy policy.

You must be at least 18 years old to access this website or subscribe to our Services.

Trade To Close may change our Terms of Use from time to time. By continuing to use this website and our subscription services, and following our posting of such changes, you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use, as modified. Trade To Close may change, restrict access to, suspend, or discontinue this web site, or any portion of this web site, at any time.

The material that appears on Trade To Close is for informational purposes only. Despite our efforts to provide useful and accurate information, errors may appear from time to time. Trade To Close does not promise, guarantee or imply verbally or in writing that any information from Trade To Close that appears in any electronic document, in any printed material, or displayed on our website will necessarily result in a profit. Trade To Close is the copyright owner of all text and graphics contained on this website except those mentioned. Copying, publishing or redistributing any material in any way without the written consent of Trade To Close is strictly prohibited.

2. Conduct

All posts in our members discussion forum must be lawful and in a civil manner. You may not use or allow others to use your Trade To Close registration to:

  • Post or transmit any content that is abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person

  • Post or transmit any material that you don’t have the right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements)

  • Post, transmit, or link to sexually explicit material;

    Impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity

  • Post or transmit any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation including chain letters and pyramid schemes

  • Intentionally violate the laws, rules, and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the national or other securities exchanges, especially and including the rule against making false or misleading statements to manipulate the price of any security

  • Intentionally violate any other applicable law or regulation while accessing and using our site;

    Offer, sell, or buy any security

  • Post or transmit any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, “Trojan Horses,” or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else’s computer

3. Links to Other Sites

For your convenience, we make available a variety of links to other web sites that we don’t operate where you can obtain related products and services. Although we encourage you to consult such web sites, we cannot guarantee the prices, terms, quality, reliability or performance of the products or services provided by these vendors. Trade To Close is not responsible for the products or services these vendors provide. You release Trade To Close and its affiliates from any damages that you may incur, and agree not to assert any claims against them, arising from your purchase or use of third-party supplied products and services.

4. Ownership and Permissions

Trade To Close is made available for your personal, non-commercial use only. The materials on this site are the property of Trade To Close or its licensors, and are protected by U.S. copyright laws, other copyright laws, and international conventions. Except as explicitly provided in this agreement, you may not distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, or otherwise exploit any of the materials on this site. You may display and occasionally print a single copy of any page on the site for your personal, non-commercial use, but you may not otherwise reproduce any material appearing on this site without the prior written consent of the owner. You may not store any significant portion of, nor distribute copies of, materials found on this site, in any form (including electronic form), without prior written permission from the owner. Requests for permission to reproduce or distribute materials found on Trade To Close should be sent to

You are free to establish a hypertext link to this site so long as the link does not state or imply any endorsement or sponsorship of you, your company, or your site by Trade To Close or any of its affiliates. However, without the prior written permission of Trade To Close, you may not frame any of the content of Trade To Close, nor incorporate into another web site or other service any intellectual property of Trade To Close or its licensors. Requests for permission to frame our content may be sent to our Customer Service Manager, either by email or at the address above.

Trade To Close and the Trade To Close logo are used by Trade To Close. The names of other products and services referred to on the site may be the trademarks of their respective owners. You may not use any trademark or service mark appearing on Trade To Close without the prior written consent of the owner of the mark.

5. Trademarks

You will not use Trade To Close to violate the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of any person or other entity. By submitting material to Trade To Close, you are representing that you are the owner of the material, or are making your submission with the explicit consent of the owner. By submitting material to Trade To Close you are permanently granting Trade To Close all rights to the material, including the right to modify the material, to use it commercially, and to maintain the material in an archive.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

If you rely on this web site or any information, product or service available through this web site, you do so at your own risk. You understand that there may be delays, omissions, interruptions, inaccuracies, and/or other problems with the information, products, and services published on or promoted over this site. This web site is provided to you “as is.” Trade To Close and its affiliates, agents and licensors, cannot and do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, currentness, noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information available through this web site (or any information, goods or services that are referred to, advertised or promoted on, or sold through this web site). Nor do we or they guarantee that the web site will be error free, or continuously available, or that the web site will be free of viruses or other harmful components.

Under no circumstances will Trade To Close or its affiliates, agents or licensors be liable to you or anyone else for any damages other than direct damages, arising out of your use of this web site or any product or service linked to from or advertised or promoted on this web site, including, without limitation, consequential, special, incidental, indirect, punitive, exemplary, or other damages of any kind (including lost revenues or profits, loss of business or loss of data), even if we are advised beforehand of the possibility of such damages. You agree that the liability of Trade To Close and its affiliates, agents and licensors, if any, arising out of any kind of legal claim arising out of or otherwise related to this web site, will not exceed $500 in total. You agree that this amount is both fair and reasonable.

None of the information, advertisements, website links, or any opinions expressed constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities, options or commodities. Individual traders must do their own due diligence in analyzing featured stocks, options or trades to determine if they represent a suitable opportunity.

Nothing published by Trade To Close should be considered personalized investment advice. Although the Trade To Close team may answer your general questions or comments, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by the Trade To Close team to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

Please note that Trade To Close, or its principals, may already have invested or may from time to time invest in securities that are recommended or otherwise covered on this website. Neither Trade To Close nor its principals intend to (unless they wish to) disclose the extent of any current holdings or future transactions with respect to any particular security. You should consider this possibility before investing in any security based upon statements and information contained in any report, post, comment or recommendation you receive from Trade To Close.

7. Subscription

To obtain access to certain Trade To Close services, you must register to become a paid subscriber. As part of the subscription process, you will select a user name. A password will be emailed to you upon verification of your eligibility to use Trade To Close. You agree that the information you supply during that registration process will be accurate and complete and that you will not register under the name of, nor attempt to enter the service under the name of, another person. We reserve the right to disallow use of user name that we deem offensive or inappropriate. You will be responsible for preserving the confidentiality of your password and for all actions of persons accessing Trade To Close through any username/password assigned to you. You will notify Trade To Close’s Customer Service by using this contact form of any known or suspected unauthorized use of your account as you are responsible for unauthorized use of your account.

These Terms of Use have been made in, and will be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida. By using this website, and subscribing to our services, you consent to be bound by the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts located in Palm Beach County, Florida. The laws of the state of Florida will apply.

8. Refund policy

For the Monthly and Quarterly plans, you can cancel up to 7 days during your free trial before being charged. After 7 days, you will be charged and no refunds will be issued. If you purchased the Annual plan, you can cancel up to 14 days during your free trial before being charged. After 14 days, you will be charged and no refunds will be issued. Super Closer plans cannot be refunded, but cancelled anytime up to one day before the next billing cycle.

9. Disclaimer

The materials presented from Trade To Close LLC are for your informational and educational purposes only. Trade To Close LLC nor its employees do not offer investment, legal or tax advice of any kind, and the analysis displayed with various tools does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice and should not be interpreted as such. Using the data and analysis contained in the materials for reasons other than the informational and educational purposes intended is at the user’s own risk.

Trade To Close LLC is not responsible for any losses that may occur from transactions effected based upon information or analysis contained in the presented materials. Specific trading ideas or strategies discussed in the presentations or materials are entirely illustrative and do not constitute a solicitation of a transaction (or transactions) or a recommendation to execute a particular transaction or implement a particular trading strategy. To the extent that you make use of the concepts with the presentation material, you are solely responsible for the applicable trading or investment decision. Use caution when entering any option transaction and it is recommended you consult with your financial advisor for investment, legal or tax advice relating to options transactions

Characteristics and Risk of Standardized Options

Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risk of Standardized Options (PDF). Copies of this document are available from your broker, by calling 1-888-OPTIONS, or from The Options Clearing Corporation, One North Wacker Drive, Suite 500, Chicago, Illinois 60606.